Your two play routes for visiting Chateau Saveilles!

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From July to October 31, daily, July 14 and August 15 inclusive, from 1 pm to 7 pm.
Closed on Saturdays and during the European Heritage Days.

Investigate a forgotten legend

To curious, observant and resourceful people: we need you!
Marc Chavelin, the famous Renaissance historian, was investigating a mysterious relic. He suddenly disappeared, leaving behind only his briefcase containing his notes.
Will you be able to follow the trail initiated by the historian to unravel the secret of this vestige and who knows, perhaps reveal a secret hidden to this day?
The track will take you around the park and discover the castle with unique viewpoints.
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Add of Play route "Enquête"


Play route for team members aged 15 and over, wishing to visit Château Saveilles, as a team, ... otherwise!


For 15 years old and over, adults included.

Minimum one accompanying adult.

Maximum number of team members: 5 people


Duration: 90 minutes approx.

Price per person / team

  • Adult team member:                                           € 9
  • Young team member (from 15 years old):          € 7
  • Team 1 (1 Team member, 4 Young team members):     € 32
  • Team 2  (2 Team members, 3 Young team members):  € 34

Please note only the French version of the play route guidebook is available.



My name is Pierre and this chateau belongs to my grandparents.

I am happy to welcome you to their home!

This morning, I discovered a small package containing 3 mysterious letters ...

So, I would very much like to elucidate their secret ...

Would you like to help me?


So come quickly, I look forward to you!

I will make you discover Château Saveilles at the same time!

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Add of play route "Pierre t'invite"


Play route for families wishing to visit Château Saveilles, with their children, otherwise!


For children from 6 years old.

Minimum of one accompanying adult.


Duration: 90 minutes approx.

Rate per person:

  • Accompanying adult:                                            8 €
  • Child (from 6 years old):                                       6 €
  • Family 1 (1 adult, 4 children from 6 years old) :       28 €
  • Family 2 (2 adults, 3 children from 6 years old):      30 €
  • Free for children under 6 years old.

Please note only the French version of the play route guidebook is available.